
Friday, June 3, 2011

Smoke Another One Bro

Today was actually really exhausting. Since yesterday was the last day of school we rented the boys a movie, made pizza and popcorn, and let them stay up until 9 (meaning they didn't go to sleep until 9:30). Normally, they are pretty good about sleeping in but Isaac woke up early and did everything in his power to get his brother to wake up and play with him. Jumping on the bed, throwing things, jumping on his brother.... exhausting. Needless to say the day was filled with MANY challenges and made dual nearly 2yo tantrums look like a walk in the park. 

Kim picked up the boys early and Evelyn was sleeping so I decided to check out Zediva and watch a movie on my computer. I glance out my window to find my neighbors pitbull in my back yard! I run out the back door assuming I was seeing things and I get greeting by a growing dog, then run back into my house before he tries to eat me.

I'm not afraid of dogs, and I have nothing against bully breeds, but this one is growing at me, has access to my backyard, and I frequently allow my children (including my 1yo!) to go into the backyard by themselves! 

The neighbors weren't home (not like I could talk to them without them trying to pick a fight anyway) so I called animal control. They were not able to come by until a few hours later and then all hell broke loose. The dog went back and forth between our yards a couple of times and luckily one of those times I decided it was a good idea to take a picture of it. 

That's right, those are MY flowering green onions and a dog that I don't own!
Turns out, taking a picture was a VERY smart idea. The neighbors denied having any pitbulls (told the cops it was a terrier and in regards to the other one the cop should figure it out for himself) so I told the cop to take a look over the fence for himself and sure enough he saw both pits. When the cop confronted him he kept saying he wasn't home all day (although he kept yelling at me that I should have knocked on his door, not called the cops), the dog isn't a pit, and it wasn't in my yard. Thank goodness for my picture, the cop told him (and I showed him) that I had PROOF. 

Very long story short, the neighbor yelled at the cops for being racist because they believed a white lady over the mexican; the neighbor picked fights with me every chance he could in front of the cops, he lied to the cops, pissed them off, and they said that if it happened again they dogs were getting taken away. 

The cops left, I heard pounding on the fence and rocks getting thrown around (and what sounded like dogs getting kicked) and then yelling. And more yelling. It's a very volatile family so I assumed they were screaming at each other until I started listening and I  heard words and sentences like "You better watch your F*ing back, I'm going to get you, you F*ing B!T@H" etc. I opened my door to see the tall fat wife from next door standing behind her shorter fat (sister?) with her arms spread out acting as if she's holding her back. I calmly asked if she was trying to say something to me (our doors look at each other) and she continues yelling out that she already did, and I should of talked to her-not called the cops, and I should go back to smoking my pot because she's going to get me. 

Can someone please pass me the joint because this house has complained about me from day one that I smoke weed all the time and how dare I use my upstairs bedroom light when it's dark. They don't like how it shines into their room (my blinds are drawn, but light is visible, try drawing your own blinds retards!).  The funny part of this (besides the point that using your household lights is considered normal) is that NEVER in my life have I ever smoked weed. I AM the anti drug. 

Needless to say I called the cops again (who hadn't even left the street). The neighbors denied it all (big surprise) and claimed I was taking pictures of them. Drama, drama, drama!

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